Episode 201 – I Thought Libertarians Were Supposed to be Consistent: A Review of Reactions to the George Floyd Events

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As we approached the end of the year, no one could have predicted what was in store for us in 2020. The murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police has sparked nationwide protests decrying the abuse of black Americans at the hands of the police. And with these protests have also come riots, looting, and even more abuses committed by the police. There’s a lot to take in and try to unwrap and it’s confusing and frustrating. If any group should be prepared to deal with wading through this mess, it should be libertarians, but unfortunately, many have dropped the ball and have missed very badly with their takes.

Liberty Mugs

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Original image: https://cdn.cnn.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/200528063851-03-george-floyd-protest-0527-minneapolis-minnesota-super-169.jpg