The Immigration and Racism Horseshoe

With the Haitian immigration in Springfield, OH continuing to rage (yes, I used that term on purpose), people are posting pictures of recruitment flyers for the KKK being left around the town.

Without any sort of evidence, people will laugh this off as being obviously fake.  However, many of these same people were also convinced that the Haitian immigrants were catching and eating cats and geese based on even worse evidence (that was eventually shown to be fake).

If you’re taking a breath to blurt out a “Yeah, but,” flip it around and the other side does the same thing.  Let’s put the put them back to back:



It’s all a bunch of confirmation bias.  And when their evidence is disproved, they’ll just move the goalposts.  It happens every time (remember Covid and the videos of blood exploding out of Chinese people’s necks?).

Let’s say this flyer is fake.  After the freaking out that the KKK is all over the place, they’ll scramble and eventually be able to find an actual singular example of a KKK meeting.

“See? The KKK is real!”

The thing is, no one denies that the KKK (or any given racist group) exists in some capacity, but this datum point is being used to prove it represents a much bigger problem.  A stupid person will take the bait and try to argue that the problem doesn’t exist at all, so any remotely reasonable person will reject him, but since the tribal connections are so strong, his “side” will still keep him around instead of at least chiding his dumb argument.

What’s funny is that this same thing just happened with the Haitians eating cats thing.  The other day, a journalist offered a $5000 reward for proof that Haitians have been eating cats.

He’s now rolling out an article with evidence of an African immigrant grilling a cat in Dayton, OH.  People are pointing out the obvious differences: this is an African, not a Haitian, and it’s taking place in a different town in Ohio.  But the numbskulls are saying “Oh, no, this proves our point that these immigrants come here do despicable things!”

Well, just like the KKK existing, no reasonable person is going to say that out of all the immigrants that come to the United States that a few aren’t going to do some crazy things here and there.  This African backyard barbecat is single data point.

“Kamala Harris and the mainstream media lied to us though!  They said this doesn’t happen anywhere at all!”

Okay, if you expect national politicians and the mainstream media to act like reasonable people, then I’m not sure what to tell you.  Sure, by providing a single piece of evidence to disprove a silly claim might score you internet points against your political enemies, but if you have any sort of earnest interest in trying to figure out what’s actually going on with the Haitians in Springfield, OH so that you might understand how to fix any problems that exist there, this isn’t the way to do it.

I’m by no means suggesting that @randomChuckleHead945 is going to be able to do anything about Springfield (or that he should get involved), but observing and parsing through everything will help you be better prepared for a similar situation that happens where you live.  Sticking your head in the sand because counterinformation might rattle your very fragile worldview will just leave every one of your flanks open.  The longer you deny a problem exists, the longer it will have time to fester if it does exist.

So is this KKK flyer real?  I don’t know.  But ask yourself this question: is your worldview affected much by either answer?  

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